Monday, March 20, 2006

The meaning of sacrifice

From Atrios, originally reported by Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, October 25, 2003 (link no longer good):
In a new book by author Stephen Mansfield, "The Faith of George W. Bush," the following passage appears on page 173: "Aides found him face down on the floor in prayer in the Oval Office. It became known that he refused to eat sweets while American troops were in Iraq, a partial fast seldom reported of an American president."

Seldom reported -- and apparently little observed. When the White House sent out the shared "pool report" of Bush's roundtable interview with reporters aboard Air Force One en route to Australia, it became apparent that the president had fallen off the candy wagon.

"And he was relaxed. Very relaxed," was the description. "As a reporter began to ask about the Middle East . . . Mr. Bush popped a butterscotch Lifesaver in his mouth. He smacked the candy as he said: 'Middle East, that's right.' "
Three things. (1) Bush lying face down (as opposed to straight faced?) on the Oval Office floor, praying. I am not comforted by this image. (2) What a hypocrite. (3) Giving up candy for sending men and women to kill and be killed is his idea of sacrifice?

Explains a lot.