Sunday, June 04, 2006

Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: post deathbed conversion

Chicago Democratic ward healers used to confer voting rights on the deceased, and lately Republicans have revived the practice (although not the voters). But when it comes to proselytizing, nobody beats the Mormons.

From The Jerusalem Post:
Jewish leaders in a dispute with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints over the practice of posthumous baptisms say there is new evidence that names of Jewish Holocaust victims continue to show up in the church's vast genealogical database.


Posthumous baptism is a sacred rite practiced in Mormon temples for the purpose of offering membership in the church to the deceased. Church members are encouraged to conduct family genealogy research and forward their ancestors' names for proxy baptism.

Church president Gordon B. Hinckley has said the baptismal rite is only an offer of membership that can be rejected in the afterlife by individuals. "So, there's no injury done to anybody," Hinckley said last November. (Jerusalem Post)
This is hilarious. No one's feelings should be hurt because the dead person can always refuse to be baptized?

What a timesaver. I don't even have to lampoon this, it's so daft.