Saturday, April 09, 2005

Painting the stairs meets anti-choice

Now that we are hearing an increased sense of urgency about an influenza pandemic from Secretary Leavitt, we might expect a strengthened resolve from CDC. Director Gerberding was just in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a state which, by perusal of their health department's website, apparently has no pandemic influenza plan. If they do, they are keeping it well hidden. Maybe Dr. Gerberding privately counseled the state to get into gear. But publicly, she talked about . . . obesity--and offered practical tips from CDC on how to combat it:
Also, a growing body of research is available on what kinds of programs work and don't work as communities and businesses try to establish health programs for residents and employees, said Gerberding.

At CDC offices, for example, stairwells were painted and music was piped in to encourage people to take the steps. Another CDE project added an outdoor trail so employees can walk or job.

"Those are the kinds of things that are starting to take hold," Gerberding said.
South Dakota needed to hear this, I'm sure. More important than influenza. And anyway, South Dakota can plan for contingencies (AP via Just not for influenza.

Republican Governor Mike Rounds has signed a bill that automatically bans most abortions in the state just in case the Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade. The Governor can also take immediate steps. A man of action:
PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Mike Rounds signed a series of anti-abortion bills, including one that requires doctors to tell women the procedure ends the lives of humans, his office announced Thursday.


One of the four new laws requires doctors to inform pregnant women, in writing and in person, no later than two hours before an abortion that the procedure ends the lives of humans and terminates the constitutional relationship women have with their fetuses.

Women also must be told that some women die during abortions and the procedure can lead to later depression and other problems.


Another bill signed by Rounds tightens the state's parental notification law to require parents to be told within 24 hours if their minor daughter receives an emergency abortion to protect her life or health. The minor could seek an exception through a court order.
So they can plan in South Dakota. I just hope they have enough pediatric respirators to save all the unwanted kids if there is an influenza pandemic.