Friday, January 14, 2005

Blogrollin' Friday: James Wolcott; Sadly, No

Reminder of what we are doing. The idea was suggested by the Political Site of the Day blog:
A lot of bloggers do catblogging or dogblogging or pickleblogging Friday, putting up pictures of one thing or another as a semiregular routine.

I'm here to recommend an alternative Friday ritual: Blogrollin' Friday. Even if you regularly add blogs to your blogroll, pick one blog on Friday, add it to your blogroll, and give a little blurb as to why you selected that blog. No reciprocation needed - just a way and a day to weekly, structurally, habitually, add to the connectiveness that are blogs.

And - if you like this idea, please feel free to promote it today so others can consider it as well.
So pick number one for this Friday is James Wolcott, long time TV/movie/etc. critic for Village Voice and Vanity Fair and known to many as the author of Attack Poodles and other Media Mutants. His biting but stylish writing is even more amusing than an autopsy on a three-day floater from the East River. A recent example:
Send in the Exorcist

Fear stalks the media illuminati. They keep looking over their shoulders, wondering if they will be the next to be struck.

Struck by what?

The curse that haunts the green room of Topic [A] with Tina Brown.


Bernard Kerik was a guest on the show. Look what happened to him. Deep doo-doo up to his bald crown.

An isolated instance? Sadly, no.

Editor Judith Regan appeared on the show to promote Jenna Jameson's heartwarming tail--I mean, tale--How to Make Love to Bernie Kerik like a Porn Star. Regan was revealed to be one of Kerik's paramours and served with a subpoena involving a lawsuit regarding chrome dome.

Then my friend and frequent Topic [A] Stanley Crouch suffered a medical setback that had many of us concerned. He's fine now, in fighting trim, but it was a scare.

And now Topic [A] guest Armstrong Williams, wantonly brought down in a payola scandal for his advocacy of Bush's No Child Left Behind program, a program which of course I vigorously support. Perhaps Williams was being karmicly punished for his pantomime mocking of wheelchair bound Max Cleland on one Topic [A] panel.


But there's a pattern here that suggests something bigger and more ominous is afoot. The green room may be paying host to an evil presence that's infiltrated the very carpeting.

I certainly hope nothing bad befalls one of last night's guests, documentary filmmaker and feminist Jennifer Baumgarten, who is now my favorite bisexual apart from Alice on The L Word.

After clicking the links in this Wolcott post I added Sadly, No to my blogroll. Consider this a twofer:

Well, he does have the right qualifications

For those playing at home, you can take part in an online chat later today about Social Security reform with Charles P. Blahous, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy. Chuck comes with a background that is ideally suited to economic policy:

Blahous received a Ph.D. in computational quantum chemistry from the University of California/Berkeley in 1989. He received his undergraduate degree, also in chemistry, from Princeton University in 1985.

Sounds like just the guy you want in there. Rumor has it he wanted to be an architect.

I understand it wasn't actually architecture, but Intelligent Design. From his thesis? (Johnny Logic via Majikthise).